Category Archives: Uncategorized

Guide: Learning Essential Driving Skills

Beginner’s Basic Driving Skills – How to Drive You will not be able to learn how to drive overnight! Just like any other skill that requires practice and patience, learning how to drive also requires the same. Here are a few things that you should keep in mind! 1.     Practice Practice, practice and when you […]

What are Some Common Mistakes People Make in Road Tests?

Your Road Test is fast approaching and you are worried. You don’t have to be! Make sure that you are prepared before the test. Avoid these common mistakes that can cost you the Road Test. Everyone makes little mistakes that can be avoided if you pay a little attention. The point is not only in […]

How to Choose the Right Driving School?

                  There are many driving schools out there including driving schools that are affordable. But which one is the right for you?  Here is a list of things that you should keep in mind when it comes to choosing a driving school. Student Testimonials One factor in […]

Guide to Defensive Driving Habits

If you need to refresh your driving skills, there are plenty of driving schools out there that cater to individual student’s requirements. Streetwize Driving School offers you female driving instructors in Surrey BC. Being a defensive driver means that you don’t put yourself and others at risk and that you are aware of your surroundings. […]

​ICBC survey: road safety a concern for both drivers and pedestrians

October 11, 2017 A new ICBC survey reveals that nine in 10 drivers worry about hitting a pedestrian at night and in wet weather, and eight in 10 pedestrians don’t feel safe in these conditions. In preparation for the darker skies and drizzly weather to come, today, ICBC, government and police are launching a pedestrian […]

Think you know how to drive in winter? Five crucial tips from the pros to drive safe

1. ‘All-wheel drive isn’t a safety feature’ “One of the big things is to help drivers understand that all-wheel drive is not a safety feature,” says Ian Law, president of the ILR Car Control School, which runs a winter driving course in Minden, Ontario. “It seems to be mostly Subaru and Audi owners. When you […]

Common Driving Distractions while Driving

Sometimes it is easy to become complacent when you are driving.  We have to keep in mind the common distractions that one can do while driving and ensure to continually remind ourselves to not do them.  Follow these tips to avoid letting the common distractions lead to accidents while on the roads: No Cell Phones […]

Scanning While Driving: Why is it Important?

Scanning and observing your surroundings is one of the most important things to do while driving. If you are not aware of your surroundings, accidents can occur.  According to statistics, teens are 10 times more likely to not scan than middle-aged drivers. Here’s more information about scanning: Scanning is constantly being aware of everything around […]

What Should You Do With Your Teen Behind the Wheel?

You may have a teenager who is in the process of learning how to drive. Surely, you aren’t the only parent going through this. Many adults are nervous when letting their teen take the wheel. It’s very important to act appropriately and stay calm while riding as a passenger in the car when your teen […]